COUNTY OF JAMES CITY – James City County (JCC) is able to provide financial assistance to qualifying small companies who have been harmed by COVID-19 because to state funding.

The COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund was established by JCC with financing from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development's Community Development Block Grant programme.

The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development contributed a total of $ 700,000, according to the JCC.

The fund is a reimbursement grant that enables qualifying businesses to apply for reimbursement of rent or mortgage payments, as well as supply payments in specific situations.

The businesses must have less than 20 full-time workers.

Grant proposals are restricted to six monthly payments in a row, with a total grant request of $ 15,000 or less.

The spending must have occurred between March 13, 2020, and June 30, 2022.

Grants are only intended to be used for repayment. To prove that payments have been paid, documentation must be presented.

Grant applications will be handled in the order they are received. Only applications that are completely filled out will be considered.

Here you'll find a detailed list of qualifying criteria, programme design, and an online application.


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